Thursday, November 20, 2008

Becoming an Egyptian

So just after I got out of the shower tonight, I noticed that my hair was super sticky above my right ear. Really rough and stuck together. I kept rubbing it to smooth it out and then realized that it wasn’t sticky, it was fried, like FRIED! All kinked and nappy!! I felt around on my head and thought the rest was okay, but I just found a whole other chunk of fried hair in the right side of my bangs! Ha ha! I have no idea how this happened! But then again, I am in Egypt. I didn’t do my hair today, I just stuck a bandana over it, and yesterday I was in a hurry, so I didn’t do anything except run some molding goop in my hair after I blow dried it. I remember it being really rough in that same spot, but I just thought I got too much goop there. Maybe the goop's chemicals did it! Or maybe it's from the chlorine in the water or the scalding water that shoots on in the shower when someone flushes the toilet! I think it’s even more hilarious that this probably happened days ago, but I haven’t noticed until now! Nice. Very well groomed, Katie. Lori thinks that maybe the foul smells of rotting animals and trash singed my hair after our trip to Garbage City today (see pictures below). But I'm actually pretty convinced this is just the first step of the transformation process of becoming an Egyptian. Or second step. Riding a camel was the first step to change my walk. I can't wait to see what happens to me next!

Garbage City is where the Christians of Cairo live. For their employment they collect trash for recycling. No one will hire them at normal jobs because of their religion. They literally live in the dump, and it smells as raunchy as you can imagine. But if you make it through the trash, you come to a huge cave and massive carvings in the rock walls.


Laney said...

Wow, you're so calm and good-humored about your hair! I think I'm a little too superficial because I would be freaking out.

That's crazy that the Christians have to collect garbage because no one will hire them! Wow.

Tori said...

Katie my love! I miss you more then you know! I hope you are having so much fun... you aren't missing out on much here! But I have some good stories for you when you get back! :) Tell the Checketts I love them and be safe! Love you!